Lunetele simplet sunt cele mai versatile instrumente prea putin cunoscute datorita faptului ca ajuns la coada clasamentului fiind inlocuite de instrumente moderne performante de top made in China mai mult sau mai putin scumpe in functie de diametru, lunetei de 28mm ia venit vremea unui nou upgrade asa ca am hotarat sa montez luneta de 50mm ruseasca on top of the 28mm refractor.
In primul rand am cumparat o diagonala de 90 de grade Omegon pentru luneta de 50mm si am demontat sistemul vechi si l-am inlocuit cu cel nou din metal, apoi am colimat sistemul cu laser mai bine decat inainte.
Am vopsit tubul optic al lunetei de 50m pe interior cu o vopsea mata cat si tubul care conecteaza diagonala cu tubul optic principal.
La final am lipit totul cum trebuie si am prins luneta pe un suport de lemn ce poate fi montat chiar pe scandura care sustine luneta de 28mm.
Totul a mers brici iar imaginiile sunt mult mai ok prin luneta de 50mm decat inainte am putut marii pana la 80x maxim cu imagini clare dar pentru a reduce aberatiile cromatice am executat câteva diafragme între 35 si 34mm si una de 34mm pentru filtru solar.
Am trecut apoi la cosmetizarea lunetelor prima etapa a foat sa vopsesc tubului lunetei de 50mm pe exterior in negru lucios apoi scandura suport pe care este montata luneta de 28mm am lăcuit si băițuit partea exterioara a lemnului cu un lac bun care sa îi aduca un aspect placut.
Ulterior am trecut la observatii, cu ajutorul filtrului OIII montat la un ocular de 17mm am obtinut imagini foarte bune la nebuloase in special cele de emise de exemplu nebulozitatea lui M16 fiind supriza cea mare, apoi forma lui M17 si a lui M27 bine evidentiate la 20x
La planete am obținut imagini foarte bune pana la 120x prin luneta de 50mm, diafragmata la 34mm am comparat cu luneta simplet de 32/1980mm iar cele mai bune imagini si detalii le oferă luneta de 50mm chiar si redusa la 34mm atât la luna cât si la planete. Am continuat la stele duble unde am observat ca diametrul airy discurilor era mic in comparație cu luneta de 32mm la același grosisment chiar si la 120x dar mult mai luminos decat prin luneta de 32mm, contrastul bun si detalii mai fine la planete.
Lentila obiectiv 50mm
Lentila obiectiv 50mm 2
Interiorul tubului optic proaspat vopsit negru mat, strat dubu
Luneta reconfigurata pentru observatii solare
Montarea pe luneta de 28mm
Solar observations
Luneta cu noul filtru solar achizitionat
Filtru solar folie Baader.
Soarele prin luneta de 50mm la 80x afocal ocular 4mm plossl
Jos aveti filmari luate cu telefonul mobil prin lunetele de 50 si 28mm:
Calitatea lunetei rusești este net superioară lunetelor chinezesti cu diametrul de 50mm fabricate astazi, sticla este foarte buna, optica buna, majoritatea lunetelor de 50mm astazi sunt simplet ce contin lentile de plastic.
Lunetele simplet la întrecere
Observații prin luneta simplet de 32 f.1980 si prin cea de 34mm f 350mm rusească
In cea ce privește calitatea imaginilor luneta acromata câștigă, dar nici luneta simplet de 32 /1980mm nu a dezamăgit, am obținut imagini clare pana la 117x maxim la duble, luneta simplet ofera imaginile cele mai bune cu airy discuri rotunde si mari, adica ideală pentru astfel de obiecte.
Între timp luneta simplet de 28mm si cea de 50mm montată pe ea au devenit automate am primit un motor de urmarire de la un amator din zona, dupa cateva încercări de montare a mers, astfel ambele lunete au motor de urmărire luneta simplet cu diametrul de 32mm se poate monta pe platforma ecuatorială.
Tranzitul unui avion peste fata Soarelui captură prin luneta simplet de 28mm la 60x
For many years I have observed with singlets and this is my fully embrace passion a completely new approach of astronomy different from today comfortable standards. The 5.5m long telescope is now finished and the wooden elements are painted and refurbished and all goes well. Bigger wonder's are yet to come but for now the 5.5m scope delivers amazing views even without a need for a eyepiece and with eyepiece has well. The rhombus mechanism is perfect and easy to work with now using a new approach its much easy to align stars at low magnification and to track them also the moon is the most amazing object to view with a singlet, but i am not forgetting the planets has well there are fantastic. The principle its simple the back end of the scope controls the front part by the use of a long stick made just for this purpose to control the objective mounting setup in front. At first it’s a little tricky but in time I get so much easy to work with and the advantage of this design i...
A great amazing thing happened at the Singlet Man’s observatory the arrival of a large objective lens of 94mm in diameter plano convex lens made by Roger C. an optican and amateur astronomer from ATS. For this I thank him very much. Its is nice lens of very good quality crown glass 5mm thickness and with a full 94mm diameter with a useful aperture of 80 and 76mm in diameter. Days prior of the arrival of the objective lens i have made the objective cell housing for the 94mm lens manly from cardboard typical of 17th century stile instruments but very nicely crafterd. Its similar to the objective lens cell for an aerial telescope made by Giuseppe Campani in Kassel at the Orangerie museum Kabinet of Astronomy. The outside decorations are from the same objective lens cell printed on cardboard. My cell has two diaphragms of 80mm and 76mm diameter all from cardboard and its fits perfectly. In a total of 5 days the cell was made, it took a long time for the glue to dr...
The respected permanent place in the history of astronomy achieved by Giuseppe Campani unquestionably owed much to the numerous celestial discoveries made by others with his lenses and telescopes, especially by Jean Domenico Cassini, and due to a degree to the astronomer’s confirmation of the instrument maker’s observations and his repeated acknowledgment of the superior quality of Campani’s instruments. It was a situation of mutual gain, for it was largely the superior excellence of Campani’s lenses that contributed to Cassini successful astronomical discoveries, and it was because Cassini was able to do so that Campani’s career became firmly established. Having heard mention in 1661 or 1662 of a new telescope said to have excelled all others, Cassini undoubtedly was among those who sought to meet the newcomer so he could test one of his instruments. At the same time that Cassini was impatient to identify and meet the telescope maker, Giuse...
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