What the astronomers of the 17th century were able to see at Paris Observatory
One of the big questions that has been bordering me for years is what astronomers in the 17th century were able to observe with their instruments given the extremely long focal lengths, the enormous size of these instruments, the weight of managing these telescopes many have wondered what they could observe. I have d iscoverd in the Paris observatory library archives many drawings by astronomers at Paris observatory in the middle of the 17th century, great names like Cassini, Maraldi , Rhómer and so one have sketch and kept records of observations. Down below all drawings from 1673 to 1700. Let's start, so the drawings get more precise from 1673. 1. l'Observatoire royal de Paris, 1673 janvier 1 - 1673 mars 31 Lunette 34 pieds = 11m refractor Lunette 20 pieds = 6.4m refractor 2. l'Observatoire royal de Paris, 1673 avril 1 - 1673 juillet 26 3. l'Observatoire royal de Paris, 1e janvier 1680 - 25 décembre 1683 4. l'Observatoire royal de Paris, 1er ja...